Discover the plants that surround you

Find, identify and add to the map

How it works?

Identifies a plant

Observe the plant carefully and filter its characteristics. Look for it in the results and find out if it is the one.

Add to map

Click to add to the map
so you don't forget where it lives.

Win points

For each plant you add to the map, you receive 10 points.


Like you, plants are unique

To recognize a plant and the place where it lives is to be aware of its existence. Like us, they have attributes that make them unique. We want to help you to observe and discover these same qualities.


Mapping is remembering

How many times do we point things out so we don't forget about them? Here the same happens. We believe that when we save a plant in our memory, or in this case, on our map, it ceases to be just another number, and becomes special.


Fly with us

Are you going on a trip? Take us with you. We give you suggestions for places to explore, challenges to have fun and new species to watch.


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